General News

From the Chairman

A significant event this year will be the 100th birthday of Sister Davison (or Sybil as she is now happy to be called). Details of a special lunch organised by one of her ‘girls’, Vicky Townsend, are given in this newsletter. Sybil is keeping well, living alone and coping well in her Clifton apartment. She attended a reunion of the 66Society (graduates of 1966 and thereabouts) in February this year, where Bob Binnersley paid glowing tribute and she was presented with an impressive bouquet. She looks forward to receiving very special congratulations from the Queen on 24th August.

It’s always been extremely gratifying to see how many year-group reunions are held each year. Last year was no exception: eight reunions involving the classes of 1964, 1966, 1968/69, 1969/70, 1974, 1989, 1999 and 2004 (reports of some of these reunions can be found on our website). Can there be any other department of this or any other university that can boast of alumni who so enthusiastically maintain contact with their old colleagues and school?

Membership of our BDAA continues to grow as we recruit many of each year’s graduating students. We now number in excess of 1000 members. Finances are in a healthy state and we will continue to use the income from your subscriptions wisely to support worthy causes in the School as well as student activities and events.